Rubbed Out Read online
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Chloe placed a calm hand on my arm and softened her tone. “Just listen before you say no. Her last boyfriend cheated and lied, messed her up badly. Because of it, she has sworn off relationships. She’s too beautiful to let that asshole make her so insecure. She just needs a good dose of seducing. You’re perfect for that, Aiden.” Chloe’s eyes pleaded.
“No.” I started to clean up the room. “Set her up with someone else. I’m not interested. Plus, I’m not a member anywhere. So, I wouldn’t be able to go anyway.” I tossed the sheet in the wicker hamper.
“Sweetie, all you have to do is show her some attention.” She sauntered up to me and trailed the tip of her index finger down my chest. “You’re on the guest list already. Please don’t disappoint me.” Then her lips twisted into a sinister smirk. “I suppose if you’re not interested, I could ask your buddy, Derek.”
Chloe started heading toward the door, but I grabbed her elbow stopping her. I didn’t want to get Derek more involved than he already was. With a heavy sigh, I conceded, “Fine. This is it, Chloe. One and done. Don’t go setting me up like a paid escort anymore. Got it?”
“Got it,” she repeated with a triumphant smile splitting her face in two.
“When, where, and what’s her name?”
“Her name is Alessandra. The event is Saturday night at Crown Oaks. Be there by eight. It’s a casino night, so I put some extra gambling money in the envelope for you.”
“How will I know it’s her?”
Chloe beamed. “I’ll make sure I’m with her when you arrive. Find me and you’ll find her.” We headed toward the front door. I helped her put her jacket on, and she flipped her hair from underneath the collar. She turned to look at me. “Under no circumstances can she know that you’re getting paid to like her. Do you understand me? If I didn’t think you could be discreet, I wouldn’t have asked you.”
“Yeah. Okay, fine. But, you do realize she might not care for me.” I tried to stifle a chuckle because I’d never been turned down.
“You’re a funny guy.” She smacked me on my chest. “See you Saturday. Oh, and wear a tux.”
After shutting the door behind her, I then plopped down on the sofa and tossed my head back. The lines of morality were becoming more and more blurred, and I felt sick to my stomach because of it.
“So that’s your job, huh?” Derek walked in and sat in the chair next to me. “Rough life.” He chortled.
“It’s fucked up, I know, but here..." I reached into the envelope and gave him half of what was in it. I knew some of that money was for Saturday, but he needed it more than I did. Plus, apparently, I’d be making even more.
“Dude, are you shitting me right now?” He looked at the crisp bills in his hand.
“That’s your cut.” I turned toward him. “Not all appointments are like that one.”
“Well, if you ever need me again, let me know.” Derek grinned and stood. “I’m going to go for a run.” He walked toward the door. “Later, man.”
I decided to take a shower and come up with a foolproof plan for the event.
Chapter 5
When people said word of mouth was the best advertisement, they weren’t kidding. Who knew there were so many lonely and sexually neglected women in the city. Granted, not all of my clients were here to get off, but when they’d tell me that Victoria or Chloe referred them, I knew what type of customer they’d be.
Derek had errands to run in the morning, but let me know he wouldn’t be out long. Not all women were into threesomes or even having sex. Some just wanted to have an orgasm or, quite frankly, be touched.
Chloe happened to be a different case, yet not an exclusive one. Despite her husband knowing about her indiscretions and not opposing them, having spousal permission to fuck a married woman, didn’t make it morally acceptable. However, nothing about what I did fell into a category that would pass as ethical.
Before my first appointment, I lit candles, turned on soft music, and made sure all toys, if not brand new, were properly sterilized. I had a few that arrived from an online sex store that I couldn’t wait to try out.
Diffusers puffed out the soothing scent of lavender, and the crisp white sheets and soft blanket were folded back inviting the next client to get comfortable. I gave the room one more glance before my doorbell sounded.
Today, I had five appointments. Two of which were going to want the works—so to speak. Isabelle, who had just arrived and then Greta who would be coming in at two p.m. Having sex twice in a day wasn’t a rarity for me, but since both were here for their first time, I had no idea what either wanted.
Pulling the door open, an attractive woman, who I’d guess to be in her thirties, smiled at me. “Hi, I’m Isabelle.”
“Come on in, Isabelle. I’m Aiden.” I escorted her to my massage room, where I had her fill out the obligatory questionnaire. Despite knowing what type of massage she wanted, I still needed to cover my bases when it came to her health. All I needed was for her to have an allergic reaction to something... including latex.
The only question I added to the common form, was if they were single or married. If they checked the married box, then they’d get an additional form stating that their husbands were okay with a strange man touching or in some cases fucking their wives. It didn’t escape me that the women could lie, but I had to have something to show the husband just in case they came at me with a shotgun. Not that they’d listen, but regardless, it made me feel better.
When Isabelle handed me back the clipboard, I noticed she indicated she was a divorcée and I set the papers aside.
“So, Isabelle, what is it that you’d like today?”
“First,” she said with sultry eyes. “I’d like you to call me, Izzy.” I nodded and she continued, “And I’d like whatever will make me come. It’s been over three months since I’ve had an orgasm. I’ve tried toys, and they just don’t do it for me.” She shrugged. “From what I understand, you’re very talented in that department.”
Not disputing her statement, I instructed her to disrobe and get under the blanket. I stepped out of the room to give her some privacy when Derek walked in. “Hey, you’re back earlier than I thought.”
“Did you need me again?” He waggled his brows and plopped down on the sofa.
“Not sure yet. This client is new. I’ll let you know if she’s up for it. I have a feeling I know what this woman needs, so you might just be a spectator.”
He flipped on the television to the sports channel and muted the volume. “I’ll be here checking on last night’s scores. Holler if you need me.”
Giving the door three rapid knocks, I opened it to find Izzy sitting on the table on top of the blanketed sheet rather than underneath it. “Did I hear you talking to someone?”
“Yes, my roommate is here. He won’t bother us.” She bit her lower lip. “Unless you want him too.”
“I’ve never had two men before, but what the hell, I’ve never paid for sex either. So, there’s that. My ex wasn’t very adventurous. When I’d tell him different fantasies I had, he’d laugh. Little did I know he had a barely legal side-piece fulfilling his desires.” She shrugged. “I guess, I didn’t do it for him. Maybe, I wasn’t pretty or toned enough.”
Apparently, I’d become a part-time shrink, because before I knew it, I was sitting in a chair listening to her problems while she made herself comfortable on the table. Most women who came here wanting to find their release had an air of confidence about them. When Izzy walked in, she seemed to boast that attitude but now appeared unsure.
The one thing I knew for sure was that she needed to have an orgasm or five. Standing, I walked over to the small dresser and pulled out the lube, toys, and different massage oils. I decided I might not need condoms for this appointment. Fucking her, didn’t seem appropriate at that moment. She could make another appointment for that later.
“Roll over,” I commanded lifting the sheet just enough for her to turn onto her stomach. She did as I said whi
le I folded the covering across her ass.
Using warm oil, I rubbed my hands together before applying them to her skin. Her tight muscles loosened under my touch eliciting a deep moan from her. I continued down her legs, ass, back up to her arms, neck, and base of her skull.
“That feels so good, Aiden.”
“Just relax,” I replied in a soft tone not wanting to break the tranquil mood of the room. “Can you roll over for me again, sweetheart?” I asked lifting the sheet once more. She did without objection causing her full breasts to spill to the side.
I moved to the side table where I had a couple of toys laid out. Her eyes widened and then a smile played on her lips. “Are those for me?”
“Yes.” Then I had an idea that would not only boost her confidence but if my assessment of her was correct, it would ramp up her libido. Without hesitation, I opened the door and asked Derek to step in and whispered for him to follow my lead. On his nod, I motioned for him to sit in the chair at the foot of the table giving him a bird’s eye view of what I had planned.
Izzy raised her head looking at Derek with wide eyes. “Is he going to... ?”
“Watch. He’s going to watch.” Folding the sheet down to her feet, I lifted each leg until both were bent at the knee, and moved them apart putting her bare pussy on display for my friend.
“She’s beautiful,” Derek said leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees.
“She is, isn’t she?” Izzy shimmied her ass on the cotton while we discussed her assets. “And wet.”
I picked up a rubber dildo that mimicked a dick, veins and all, and rubbed some lube on it. Her eyes went wide most likely wondering if it would fit, but I knew with a bit of coaxing there’d be no issue.
Taking the tip, I placed it on her clit and flipped the small switch bringing the toy to life. A small squeal escaped her when I began to tease her with it. When I brought it to her opening, I pushed it in about two inches before pulling it out again.
“Do you like that he’s watching?” I asked noticing her nipples harden at my words.
“Yes,” she breathed dropping her knees to the side.
Thrusting the vibrator deeper inside of her pussy and pumping it in and out caused Izzy’s breathing to alter. “Do you want him to touch you?”
She nodded squeezing her eyes shut. Like the pro he was, Derek rose, licked his middle finger, and began to massage her clit. Her hips bucked off the table at his touch while her cunt pulsed around the rubber toy until it glistened in her cum. Orgasm, number one... complete.
Once Izzy came down from her high, her eyes sprang open. “Wow, that was... amazing. Will you fuck me now?” Not sure which one of us she was talking to, I didn’t say a word urging her to contemplate my silence. “Both of you?”
Looking up at Derek, he nodded with a grin. Still standing at the base of the bed, he sheathed himself with a condom. I moved toward her head, lowered the donut shape pillow at the end, and eased her shoulders to the edge allowing her head to drop backward.
Unfastening my pants, I pulled out my hard cock, stroking it before she opened her mouth. Looking up, Derek climbed onto the bed positioning himself between her legs, before plunging inside of her.
At the same time, she took me deep into her warm mouth. My hands cupped the sides of her head holding her in place. Finding a rhythm with Derek, we fucked both ends of her until she screamed around my cock. Derek rammed his hips forward forcing me further down her throat. Her tongue worked double-time, licking and sucking until I felt the need to come—and without warning that’s exactly what I did.
She looked up at me and licked her lips before I slowly raised her head and put the headrest back in place.
Derek had already slipped out of the room when Izzy sat up. “What does your girlfriend think of you doing this?” she asked completely out of the blue. “She’s one lucky woman. Unless you don’t have one.” Her pink tongue, that just ran up and down my dick, poked out to lick her lips again.
My relationship status wasn’t something I discussed with clients. Deflecting, I handed her her clothes. “I hope you enjoyed your session today, Izzy. You can get dressed. Come out when you’re done.”
I walked out of the room and immediately regretted the mini-counseling session I had with her. Fucking clients was one thing. Giving a false sense of an emotional connection was completely different.
Izzy walked out handing me a few hundred dollars. “Some of that is for Derek. Since you like to share...” she let her words trail off. “That was fun, maybe we can do it again sometime?”
First of all, what just happened wasn’t a date. And secondly, I had a feeling when it came to future appointments for Isabelle, my calendar was full.
“Have a good day,” I said, pulling the door open.
“Oh, I will. And... I’ll definitely be back.” She rolled up on her toes aiming her mouth at mine. I cocked my head to the side just in time for her to kiss the air next to my cheek.
Once she was gone, Derek walked into the room. “How do handle clingers?” I asked.
“Blacklisted.” Unknowingly, Izzy just became my first blacklisted client. “The last thing I need is an obsessed woman anywhere around my cock and balls.” I glared at my friend, not because what he said happened to annoy me but because he was right.
Chapter 6
Crown Oaks was a club for the elite and one of the oldest around. Most of the members had been born with a platinum spoon in their mouths. The ballroom was filled with silk, satin, and silicone.
The crystal chandeliers sparkled, matching the champagne glasses that were being served by the wandering waiters. I checked my watch and saw that it was just about eight o’clock. Spotting Chloe, whose hand was on the arm of a man with salt and pepper hair, I assumed was her husband. They looked happy and according to her, he didn’t care if she had sex with other men, as long as she came back to him at night. Douchebag.
Standing in front of them, and with her back to me, was a slender woman with blonde hair cascading over her shoulders in soft curls. She wore a navy gown, which hugged her very nice ass.
Chloe saw me and smiled. I grabbed a glass off the passing waiter’s tray and walked up to the group. As I got closer, the scent of lavender invaded my senses and my heart began to race. It couldn’t be. Then it dawned on me. Shit. Ali could be short for Alessandra.
I stopped short of the threesome while staring at the woman, and as if sensing someone behind her, she turned. “Aiden?”
Realizing, Alessandra and I knew each other, Chloe started choking on her champagne as I acknowledged Ali with a nod. The man next to Chloe rubbed her back. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“Yes, darling. Thank you. I swallowed wrong.” She gave him a soft loving kiss, then turned toward me. “Aiden, it’s so good to see you. It’s been a while.” Yeah, like a few days when I was buried balls deep inside of you. “This is my husband, Andrew.”
I reached out and shook the man’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Andrew.”
“How do you know my Chloe?” I could tell that he genuinely cared for his wife, making me wonder why he neglected her in the bedroom and signed off on another man fucking her.
Before I could come up with an answer, Chloe stepped in. “He’s my masseuse.” Understanding came with a nod in my direction. Chloe placed a gentle had on his arm and gave him a sweet smile before turning to me. I’d like to know how he knows Alessandra.”
My eyes met Ali’s as she said, “We met at a bar a few days ago.” Chloe’s eyes went wide and connected with mine.
“It’s good to see you again, Ali.” I gave her my panty-melting smile, making sure my dimples were on full display.
“You too. I didn’t realize you were a member here,” she said coolly before sipping her champagne.
Lying, I explained, “A friend of mine is and he couldn’t make it, so he put my name down as a guest.” That excuse should work and get Chloe out of it.
“Oh, your friend, Derek?”
“Yes.” She nodded never questioning why an erotic dancer would be a member. The band started playing music. Andrew asked Chloe to dance, and off they went leaving me with Ali. “You look beautiful.” My eyes roamed up and down her body causing her cheeks to redden.
“Thank you.” She fiddled with the stem of her glass looking toward the dance floor. “Well, it was nice seeing you again..."
“Dance with me?” I cut her off. We had gotten off on the wrong foot, but this was my chance to make it right. After what Chloe told me about Ali’s track record with men, it was no wonder why her gorgeous hazel eyes studied my face suspiciously. Without giving her a chance to decline, I placed her drink on a table next to mine and took her hand. Once we made it on the shiny wooden floor I twirled her releasing some of the tension I could see radiating around her and tugged until our bodies pressed up against each other.
She looked up and smiled. My left hand rested on the small of her back as I held her other one close to my chest. This wasn’t the formal position, but who cared. For some reason, I wanted Ali’s hand close to my heart, and when I looked down and her soft green eyes met mine, there was no doubt she could feel my pulse racing. What the hell is wrong with me?
“So, Chloe’s one of your clients?” she asked, the snark obvious in her tone.
“Yes.” I could feel the muscles in my back tense. For the first time ever, my stomach rolled because of what type of client she was.
“Makes sense now. She’s always bragging about how much she loves her masseuse.” Her smile never reached her eyes when she stared into mine and added, “Maybe, I need to schedule an appointment with you.”
“Um... sure.”
“Good.” Ali’s left hand rested on the nape of my neck, and I was sure she could feel the tension as her fingers gently squeezed my muscles.
The thought of my hands caressing her soft skin made my cock come to life, but I couldn’t start things off in that way with Ali. And then remembering why I was there with her to begin with, my heart pounded over the deceit mounting between us. Now knowing Ali and Alessandra were one and the same, I needed to tell Chloe the deal was off.